Frequently Asked Questions


What is the best resource for information on properly filling out an DPR?

Refer to the top of the DPR template for basic information regarding policies and procedures.  You can also consult the Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM) and the information link on Disbursements webpage.

Who is authorized to sign for memberships?

The Dean or V.P. of a school, college or division is authorized to sign for professional or individual memberships.  For institutional memberships, the business manager from that school, college or division can sign for approval.

Can I use a copy of a receipt or invoice instead of the original?

Yes.  Copies or faxed invoices of receipts will be accepted.

What is needed for honorarium payment?

Supplemental data form (#186), email or letter/correspondence confirming date and amount paid. 

Can I use acronyms in the description of commodities or services?

No.  A complete description of services and/or commodities is required.

I have filled out and completed the DPR form. Now what do I do?

The process is an electronic approval process.   See 'Initiating a Direct Payment Request' and 'How to Approve a Requisition' under the Waynebuy Train Aids sections for step by step direction.

Can I split an invoice on two separate DPRs?

No.  One DPR should be used.  However, separate indexes and accounting distributions can be used to share expenses between schools, colleges or divisions.

Can I put multiple invoices/payees on one DPR?

No.  Each payment has to be created as a separate DPR.  You can use the 'copy' feature under requisitions to duplicate a prior requisition instead of creating from a blank template.

Who do I list as a contact person on the DPR?

The person who filled out the DPR and/or can answer all questions regarding the DPR and listed expenses.

The vendor sent an incorrect invoice. Can I submit the DPR with an altered invoice?

No.  The vendor must submit a new revised invoice indicating the proper amount.  WSU must pay the amount on the invoice.

What should I do if I encumbered a DPR using the wrong index?

Once the DPR has been approved by the BAO, there are only 2 options.  The document and its associated PO can be cancelled (with the copy feature available to minimize the impact of the re-creation of a new requisition) or the department can request a JV through General Accounting to correct the index.

How can I tell if a payment has been processed?

Use the FGIENCD screen in Banner.  In the FGIENCD screen input the DPR number.

Who do I contact about additional questions I have regarding DPRs?

Consult the Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual (APPM).  If you cannot find the answer you are looking for visit the information link on Disbursements webpage, contact your business office or contact Disbursements at 577-3661. 

When submitting a DPR for a conference fee payment is anything else required?

Yes.  A signed, encumbered and approved copy of the original TAER must be submitted.  The TAER validates that the attendee has been approved to attend the conference.

Why does the Department have to submit a W-9?

The department has initiated a purchase from a vendor not approved or otherwise established in the vendor file and therefore bears the responsibility of obtaining the required data to establish the vendor.

Is a credit card receipt sufficient for meal reimbursement?

No.  A detailed bill must be submitted for reimbursement.
