IRB Processing

Internal Requisition and Internal-Account Bill (IRB)

IRB's are processed in Disbursements for the following campus services:


Banner FMS 
Account Code
Contracted Food Services (Jimmy Johns, Shields Pizza Detroit, Jets Pizza Midtown) Account Code 721YD
Dining Services /Catering (Wayne State Catering, Panda Express, Taco Bell, Starbucks, Subway, and Sushi Kabar).
Please Note: Catering/Food Service requests in excess of $1,000 must follow the Catering and food service policy, including the need for a Waiver.  Advance approval is required
Account Code 721Y31
Motor Pool Services (State Vehicle Leases) Account Code 772
OneCard Account Code 721YZ
Parking (Parking Validations Only) Account Code 721YZ
Postage (Metered and Permit Mail)

Account Code 7215

General Instructions for the Use of the IRB

  1.  Customer department obtains an estimate from the service unit for goods/services and records it in the "not-to-exceed" space on the IRB.
  2. An IRB must originate in the customer department and be electronically signed by the department head before being sent to the servicing department.
  3. Standing IRB's must be encumbered for the total amount of the IRB.  Encumbering funds for an IRB must be done by the Department Receiving Services.  An encumbrance number beginning with a "E" can be obtained using Banner form FGAENCB
  4. Upon completion of the IRB, the form should be submitted electronically to the servicing point.
  5. After supplying the goods/services, the servicing unit completes the billing information on the IRB, and forwards electronically to the Disbursements Department.
  6. NOTE:  To help insure that the financial records are as up-to-date as possible, service units are required to submit billings within 30 days upon completion of the service or delivery of goods, unless an alternative billing cycle can be justified.  If bills are not submitted in the scheduled period, the charge may be rejected and the servicing unit may have to absorb the cost.
  7. For Tips and Tricks on attaching PDF documents to your IRB, visit Procurement's Digital Signature PDF Documents page at

Internal Requisition and Internal-Account Bill / IRB (Rev 9-23 - PDF Fillable)

The Policies related to IRB Processing can be found in APPM 1.4 - Internal Billing

Instructions for Liquidating an IRB Encumbrance

Instructions for Adjusting an IRB Encumbrance

Instructions for Creating an IRB Encumbrance


For more information send an email to


